Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Bible: Not an option—It is indispensable

Several years ago, I made a commitment to set measurable goals when it comes to my spiritual development and my growth as a Christian. Proverbs 18:15 “The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” Richard Foster in his book Celebration of Discipline writes: “We must once again emphasize that the ingrained habits of thought that are formed will conform to the order of the thing being studied. What we study determines the kind of habits that are formed, which is why Paul urges us to focus on things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, and gracious.” (64)

Several significant steps must be taken if one desires to grow spiritually. First of all, it is important that everyone understands that spiritual growth does not happen in a vacuum. It takes time; it is hard work and demands a tremendous amount of practical application. Yes, I know what you maybe asking, what does a spiritual plan look like? What are the components that should be included within such a plan?

In my limited knowledge and understanding, I believe that there are four key principal ingredients in a person’s spiritual diet that can affect above all else, his or her spiritual life. These four ingredients all relate to the person’s interaction with the Scripture. While many may list spiritual disciplines such as prayer, fasting, worship, fellowship, service etc... I believe that the Holy Bible—apart from Jesus Christ—is God’s only mean of communicating His plan of salvation. It is in the annals of Scripture that we learn the proper way to practice every spiritual discipline. There is something very insightful about that statement. Especially when you realize that the Bible is God’s love letter, His basic instructional manual for humanity [Basic Instruction before Leaving Earth]; wherein He wrote it to us, sharing His thoughts and His heart with each one of us.

May I submit to you that every believer needs to have a high view of Scripture in order to experience a vibrant and fruitful Christian life! A high view of Scripture demands that the Bible be read, studied, meditated upon and that its truth or principles be applied in our daily lives. Friends, can I encourage you to read the Bible daily. I challenge you to “Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do” Joshua 1:8 in the New Living Translation. It is my prayer that you are being challenged and motivated by the teachings of Scripture daily, so that you can grow up to be the man or woman God desires for you to be. So read, study, meditate and apply the Scriptures in you life—you will never be the same.

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