Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Twenty-four Days Before Christmas!

The first day of December is almost over, which means that we are only 23 days before Christmas. I am thrilled that we are not only ending another year but we are approaching one of the most celebrated Holy Day of the year. Christmas is celebrated in all culture, language, and country in the world.

As I was meditating about the meaning of Christmas this morning, I thought what would make this Christmas more special? On my way to work I heard the host of a popular Christian radio program encouraged listeners to read the Book of Luke, which incidentally has 24 chapters, and there are 24 days before Christmas. I found the idea of reading the Gospel according Luke to be an excellent one, and decided that I would write a blog for each day to connect with the 24 chapters in the Gospel of Luke.

If you are going to read the Christmas story, then get it right the first time. The original Christmas story is in the Bible, the book of Luke. As I read the first chapter in Luke, verse 13 struck my heart. In this particular verse, Luke records the announcement of the angel Gabriel to Zecharias and Elizabeth his wife and the verse reads likes this:

“But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elizabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John." (Luke 1:13, KJV)

How many of us are praying for a specific need to be met? Maybe you are believing God for a new job, a healing or the salvation of a loved one, I am adding my faith to your faith and trust that God in His divine providence would “supply all your needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus.” And like Zechariah, I want you to know that your prayer is heard in the chambers of heaven! May the Lord honor your prayers by granting you answers to your petitions this Christmas.
I pray that you would join me in reading the book of Luke, as we march to Christmas 2009. I trust that the next 23 days will not only encourage you in your walk with the Lord, but will also inspire you to pursue Christ “as the deer pants after the water brooks” (Psalms 42:1).

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