The idea for Christianity and Culture: a Christian Perspective on Worldview Development first came to me from my involvement in the educational enterprise starting with my participation as a lifelong learner, academic/ career advisor, youth mentor, minister and Christian educator. Over the course of my educational journey, I came to the realization that higher education in America, has had, and continues to have, a great impact on the worldviews in our culture. As I began to do the research for the manuscript, I could not help but notice how the minds of most Christians are filled with the philosophies and worldviews of the secular world, even though they were inside the Church! My research questions were driven by a desire to contribute to the body of knowledge concerning spiritual formation and worldviews in academia, namely how education can shape the minds and hearts of college students concerning their views of God, man, nature and the world.
If you or someone you know has been inundated by humanistic, liberal and secular indoctrination, the redemptive solutions in this text will impart the tools necessary to produce a Christian worldview. It seems that if developing a Christian worldview is dependent on an ever-deepening knowledge of God and His Word, then our educational experience plays a major role in the spiritual formation of our deepest convictions. The findings of this study supported the notion that worldviews are correlated to our philosophy of life as formed by the furnishing of the mind (for better or for worse). In that case, the implications support an educational ministry context that helps people grow spiritually, not just intellectually. Consequently, the Christian student will be blessed, knowing that his heart is planted by the rivers of water, like the man who walks “not in the counsel of the ungodly” (Psalms 1:1-3); but is continually rooted and grounded in the Word of God (Col. 2:7-8).
For further information on purchasing a copy of Christianity and Culture: A Christian Perspective on Worldview Development, visit my website www.christianityandculturetoday.com
Take a look at the rationale for my Brand New Book entitled Christianity and Culture: A Christian Perspective on Worldview Development. So check it out!