Thursday, June 28, 2012


Copyright © 2012 by Dr. William Valmyr

"6 And these words which I am commanding you this day shall be [first] in your [own] minds and hearts; [then] 7 You shall whet and sharpen them so as to make them penetrate, and teach and impress them diligently upon the [minds and] hearts of your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up." (Deuteronomy 6:6-7; Amplified Bible)

One of the issues taking center stage as we move forward into the 21st century is the power of visionary leadership or the lack of sound biblical leadership.  As the first decade of this century ended, many in our world have reflected upon the advancement in technologies such as smart cars or smart phone, and the latest innovations or trends in social media but have failed to lead this generation under the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. If we want to see spiritual renewal in the next decade, we must develop a godly vision for the future and we must empower the next generation of leaders with the biblical principles for a strong and vibrant future in God’s plan of redemption for the world! This means that we have to be intentional, creative and innovative about reaching, investing, building and equipping the next generation.  Sometimes you may have to use different platforms like sports to accomplish the vision of raising future leaders.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to impart some leadership principles to nearly 60 young talented football players and their coaches at the Counter Culture Sport/ Fellowship of Christian Athletes 2012 Football Leadership Camp. It was an honor for me to partner with men like Coach Kirk Hoza (Camp Director and Football Coach), James Pendleton (Area Director for Gold Coast Fellowship of Christian Athletes), Casey Palacious (FCA Area Representative and FAU Campus Director), former NFL Quarterback Chad Pennington, and a host of others. It is my prayer that the Lord would use us (mature/seasoned Christian leaders) as His instruments to impart truth and biblical principles of leadership to our young leaders (young men and women). So help us God!